Our Lady of Mount Carmel Women's Guild is an organization which provides a way for all women of the parish to become active in the parish community.
There are no dues to join, just a desire to help raise funds and sponsor events that will benefit and enhance the spirituality and fellowship of our parish and our community.
Another Women's Guild tradition is presenting all of the women who attend Mass at Our Lady of Mount Carmel on Mother's Day with a beautiful carnation.
We have a wonderful, dedicated group of women of all ages and would welcome anyone who would like to join us.
Officers for the year are President Colleen Rod, Vice President Kathy Miller, Treasurer Vicky Iacarella, and Secretary Joanne Haider.
Our group connects with others to build fellowship and socialize with spiritual peers in your faith.
We welcome all men who are interested in joining. It's a great way to meet other parishioners, and to help support our Men's Club events with your time and talent.